Who's In The Band?
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The motley crew of six assorted chaps who created the bizarre mixture known as Stackridge fell into each other's arms by accident in 1970, and with equally accidental ease fell out again when the musical boat rocked in the mid-seventies.  Once that unique combination was broken, the magic spark went out.  Although they hailed from very different walks of life and displayed remarkably disparate individual personalities,  there was one single uniting factor - a tremendous sense of fun, with a wicked sense of the ridiculous and a burning desire simply to entertain.  That was the driving force behind Stackridge.

         When we began to explore the Stackridge idea in the 1990s, the way to judge its efficacy was easy - if we put similar ingredients together again, would we get the same result?  The answer was a resounding YES !  The hallmark of this reformation has been loads of laughter - usually triggered off by a keen sense of the absurd.  Stackridge, we felt, was alive and well after its 20-year snooze.  (Needless to say, anarchy still reigns supreme and not a lot gets sorted out, but that's Stackridge for you).  The six lads of 1970 have inevitably moved on in the intervening years, and have varied personal  aspirations for the future.  Some have preferred to stay on the sidelines, and will watch these new goings-on with amused interest.  jim_crun_mike.jpg (14468 bytes)
From the original band that worked their socks off from 1970 onwards to create the special 'Stackridgean' identity of the band, and who built up their following of fans around the country, we are delighted to include:-


CRUN  WALTER  - anarchic bassplayer and salty wit

Crunny.gif (8240 bytes) Here we have the architect-in-chief of the Stackridge brand of lunacy.  Crun's personal trademark lies on many milestones of typical Stackridge 'silliness'; from the name itself, through dustbinlid - bashing to rhubarb - thrashing.   His acerbic and profoundly concerned view of life is clearly manifested in 'Keep on Clucking' and 'The Volunteer'.  Have no fear, his wicked sense of fun still runs riot in wildly surreal flights of fancy.  His comment on the revival? - "Better than fixing toilet pans!"

JAMES  WARREN   -  songwriter extraordinaire

teapot.gif (18736 bytes) A powerhouse of imagination and creative energy, James has the ability to draw you into his own individual universe.  With consummate lyrical skill and melodic virtuosity, he brings to life that strange twilight zone between sleeping and waking within which Stackridge has made its spiritual home.  James expresses every sensitive and thinking man's dreams and yearnings.  The sense of innocence is still alive, along with the wry irony and humour that is evoked when the real world invades the dreamer's private space.

 MIKE  EVANS   -  violinist and a half

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There is an English quality about the Stackridge top line that has more than a little to do with the violin of Mike Evans.  Weaned on orchestral and ecclesiastical music, Mike combines a classical violinist's training with an obvious delight in the unique repertoire and sheer energetic freedom of musical expression of the folk / jazz fiddle. With a respectful eye (and ear) to both traditions, Mike creates a fiddle style that he has made his own.

This page was updated on October 17th 2000 by Jennie Evans